Posts Tagged ‘Shaman’

Nightmare Catcher

September 19, 2008
Now, Sleep Tight

Now, Sleep Tight

This post is part of a series of posts titled Healing Inspection, which discusses healing abilities and styles.

It has been quite a while since I last offered you something really new. Ever since the Warlock’s Possession skill, the innovation well has been pretty dry.

I can come up with excuses. I can beg for compassion and understanding. I can even deny I ever intended to invent so many new things.

I will instead just do what I meant to, and continue although the delay.

So. I started a new chapter which discusses tools for healing. I talked about the basics, the present and the upcoming future. It is now the time to walk upon a path in an imaginary land. A land where everything is possible, and the inventive can weave strands of maybes into something interesting.

Today, it is for the Shaman to venture into this land. A shamanistic voyage into the unknown. And there is much to fear where surprises lurk. Mishaps, ambushes, unexpected encounters and unforeseen turns of events; all is possible, and outcomes are as erratic as the travel of dust particles in a battlefield.

But the Shaman, the lord of the spirits and mental strength, does not fear what nature holds for him. He is prepared. And he has a Nightmare Catcher, just in case.


Wrath of the Healer – Shaman

September 17, 2008
WotLK Healing Tree (Shaman)

WotLK Healing Tree (Shaman)

This post is part of a series of posts titled Healing Inspection, which discusses healing abilities and styles.

It seems rather official – Wrath of the Lich King is being released in a little less than two months!

Which means I should start finishing with this healer overview thing of mine, and get back to the reason I have come up with this blog in the first place – inventing new stuff.

Last and definitely not least, it is the time to discuss the Shaman healer.

For a long time, Shamans have been the Paladin’s counter-class. Alliance had Paladins, while the Horde had Shamans. This has affected their design greatly. Of course, they aren’t close to being the same, but they follow similar principles. Both rely heavily on group utility, and both started with a similar healing style. Healing-wise, the difference between the two is one got better efficiency, while the other received the spell to treat small groups.

In Wrath of the Lich King, Shaman style is not changing by much. On the opposite, it appears as if Blizzard is encouraging Shamans to keep working in the same way, but with a tweak or two.

Before I start, I’d like to warn for the last time – I am not on the Beta, and in this case I also do not have a Shaman healer. I can however use some analytical skills, and their output is coming up next.


Healers and their Niche

September 8, 2008
Where does the healer hide?

Where does the healer hide?

This post is part of a series of posts titled Healing Inspection, which discusses healing abilities and styles.

We got 4 classes which are capable of healing (no, bandages and racials do not count), but each in different situations. In WoW jargon, I suppose it is common to say that each healer has his own niche.

It doesn’t mean that healers are squirrel-like creatures that like to hide between the rocks (but maybe some do, I don’t know). It means that different healing specs feel more comfortable in different encounter types.

If we intend to delve into a healer’s lair, to somewhat refurnish it, it would be wise to know what to expect.

Before I start, I would like to claim that I am not a top notch professional where it comes to healing. I have done my share of healing as a Druid, a bit as a Paladin, but nothing high level as a Priest or Shaman (but I believe I do understand the mechanics). I hope I will not be stoned for still giving out opinions, and I hope they will not be too far from being correct.

Following the link, I will give a short summary to where each of the following healers excel – Restoration Druids, Holy Paladins, Holy Priests and Restoration Shamans.


Peace Totem

August 23, 2008
Be at Peace

Be at Peace

This post is part of the Escaping the Crowds series, which focuses on escape mechanism for PvP.

Clash of arms. Bash of shields. Cacophony of spells.
The arena is not a pleasant place to be.

How about some peace?

A very wise man once said (Buddha at 560-483 B.C.) –

Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.

But what if, instead of such a word, we’d use a totem?

A totem that marks a place for peace, and all must obey it. A totem to hold the arms, lower the shields and silence the harmful spells. One that will grant some peace of mind, even for a little time.

Today on Escaping the Crowds series, I will propose a new totem for the Shaman’s totem-box. One that will attempt to help him in situations where he isn’t as strong, escape-wise.

Coming up after this quick (link) hop is the new spell, and all its details.


Escape of the Totems

August 21, 2008
Fleeing Spirits

Spirit Away

This post is part of the Escaping the Crowds series, which focuses on escape mechanism for PvP.

I know. I admit. I confess.

I am not 100% dedicated to completing this series as quickly as possible. I have stopped and delayed, revising chase mechanics, reviewing announced Hunter changes, even recounting ridiculous stories of a ridiculous (gnome) Rogue.

But then, I ask myself, is it important to complete things so fast?

Whatever the answer is, today and for the next three remaining classes, I will walk this path.

This time, an ancestral path it is, strong with energies of lingering spirits. A path in the world of earth, air, water and fire. The path of Elemental, Enhancement and Restoration. A path made by Shamans, for Shamans.

Yes, I have covered Shamans not too long ago, specifically, the Enhancement spec. In today’s present, the other two specs will be covered, specifically, how they can flee their melee brother, and everyone else he tends to sympathize with (i.e. others who like the closed range).

Storm, earth and fire! Heed my post!


Relentless Chase – Part One

August 19, 2008
Get 'im!

Get 'im!

For quite a while now, we have been talking how to avoid damage and close quarter combat. While this is relevant for most classes, it isn’t for all of them. There are numerous classes specializations that for them, being close is being in the zone.

Today (and on the upcoming Part Two) I’m dedicating my post for the following: Feral Druids, Protection and Retribution Paladins, Rogues, Enhancement Shamans and Warriors.

They are not the majority (10 out of 27 main specs).
They like it up front and personal.

But what can they do to get what they want?
Let’s see.

Note: This is just a short break from my ongoing Escaping the Crowds series. Rest assured I will continue to cover Shamans, Warlocks and Warriors not too long from now.
